Members of the PPRG may submit papers to be featured here, subject to review by the PPRG committee. Contact us to update us on a new piece of work, or for more information.

Recent Publications

2020 Liam Foster, Dinali Wijeratne and Emer Mulligan - Gender and proposed Auto enrolment in the Republic of Ireland: Lessons from the UK

2019 Emer Mulligan - Pensions and the Challenges of Adequacy and Sustainability: Irish Citizens' Voices and Policy Implications

2018 Social Justice Ireland - A Universal State Social Welfare Pension: Recognising the Contribution of all our Senior Citizens

European Network for Research on Supplementary Pensions

2011 Jim Stewart, "The financial crisis and pension funds in Ireland" in Yves Stevens (editor), Protecting Pension Rights in Times of Economic Turmoil. Antwerp: Intersentia Publishers, Social Europe Series 26.

2011 Gerard Hughes and John Turner, "Pension policy for financial crises: Experience in Ireland, the UK and the US" in Yves Stevens (editor), Protecting Pension Rights in Times of Economic Turmoil. Antwerp: Intersentia Publishers, Social Europe Series 26.

2009 Gerard Hughes and Jim Stewart, "Conflicting Objectives in Personal Pension Provision and Personal Saving in Ireland" in J. Stewart and G. Hughes (editors), Personal Provision of Retirement Income: Meeting the Needs of Older People? Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

2004 Peter Connell and Jim Stewart, "Income of Retired Persons in Ireland: Some Evidence from Household Budget Surveys" in G. Hughes and J. Stewart (editors), Reforming Pensions in Europe: Evolution of Pension Financing and Sources of Retirement Income. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

2004 Gerard Hughes and Adrian Sinfield, "Financing Pensions by Stealth: The Anglo-American Model and the Cost and Distribution of Tax Benefits for Private Pensions" in G. Hughes and J. Stewart (editors), Reforming Pensions in Europe: Evolution of Pension Financing and Sources of Retirement Income. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

2000 Gerard Hughes, "Pension Financing, the Substitution Effect and National Savings" in G. Hughes and J. Stewart (editors), Pensions in the European Union: Adapting to Economic and Social Change. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

1999 Gerard Hughes and Jim Stewart, "Increasing Pension Costs and the Complexity of the State's Role" in G. Hughes and J. Stewart (editors), The Role of the State in Pension Provision: Employer, Regulator, Provider. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

1999 Peter Connell and Jim Stewart, "Demographic Projections and Population Ageing in Ireland" in G. Hughes and J. Stewart (editors), The Role of the State in Pension Provision: Employer, Regulator, Provider. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

1996 Gerard Hughes and Brian Nolan, "Pension Plans and Labor Market Structure: Evidence from Ireland" in E. Reynaud, L. apRoberts, B. Davies and G. Hughes (editors) with the collaboration of T. Ghilarducci and J. Turner,International Perspectives on Supplementary Pensions. Westport, Connecticut: Quorum Books.

1996 Jim Stewart, "Pension Funds as Shareholders" in E. Reynaud, L. apRoberts, B. Davies and G. Hughes (editors) with the collaboration of T. Ghilarducci and J. Turner, International Perspectives on Supplementary Pensions. Westport, Connecticut: Quorum Books.


Pension Policy Research Group in Association with Tasc

2007 Gerard Hughes and Jim Stewart (editors), Choosing Your Future: How to Reform Ireland's Pension System. Dublin: Tasc at New Island.

Chapter 1 J. Stewart and G. Hughes, "Introduction and Summary" Chapter 2 P. Connell, "Demographics: What is Known and What is Unknown?" Chapter 3 G. Hughes, "Delivering Pensions: The Performance of Public and Private Providers and the National Pensions Review" Chapter 4 J. Stewart, "The Proposed Special Savings for Retirement Scheme: Some Issues and International Comparisons" Chapter 5 A. McCashin, "Public Social Security Pensions and Private Mandatory Pensions: Mutually Exclusive or Mutually Supportive?" Afterword K. Barrington, "A Business Journalist"s Perspective on Pension Issues"

2005 Jim Stewart (editor), For Richer, For Poorer. Dublin: Tasc at New Island.

Chapter 1 J. Stewart, "Issues in Pension Provision" Chapter 2 J. Stewart, "Incomes of Retired Persons in Ireland" Chapter 3 P. Connell, "Demographic Projections: Diffusing the Time Bomb" Chapter 4 J. Stewart, "Private Sector Pension Provision: Funding, Risk and Costs" Chapter 5 G. Hughes "Pension Tax Reliefs and Equity" Chapter 6 S. Ward, "What Can We Learn from the UK Experience?


Other Publications on Pensions

2008 Gerard Hughes, "The Case for a Universal State Pension: Lessons from New Zealand for Ireland's Green Paper on Pensions" in B. Reynolds and S. Healy (editors), Making Choices - Choosing Futures: Ireland at a Crossroads. Dublin: CORI Justice.

2004 Anthony McCashin, Social Security in Ireland. Dublin: Gill & Macmillan.